Go Red for Women Raffle
MSPS is partnering with the American Heart Association’s Go Red for for Women campaign.
We are a team of changemakers who are excited to engage our networks to make the biggest impact possible on women’s health! We’re raising much-needed funds for the American Heart Association and working to improve the health of our communities. I am hoping I can count on your support!
This challenge is personally important to me, because I’ve seen the devastating effects of heart disease on the women we love. Throughout history, women have stepped up. Stepped out. Overcome opposition. Led the workforce. Joined forces. Blasted into space.
Women’s passion has made history … but their actual hearts haven’t. Heart disease and stroke have never been just men’s diseases, but through the years women have been left out of scientific studies.
Underrepresented. Uncounted. UNTREATED.
Now we are fighting for better representation in medical research. Fighting for equitable access to care and treatments. Fighting to spread lifesaving information to our sisters. Fighting to overcome the No. 1 killer of women.
Watch me change history.
Watch me be counted.
Watch me Go Red.
It’s not just about wearing red. It’s not just about sharing heart health facts. It’s about all of us making a commitment to stand together with Go Red for Women in the fight for heart-health equality.
The time is now.
When we take a stand and work together, real change is possible.
Together, we can make an impact.
There are two ways to help make a difference:
-attend either of our HeartStrong reformer classes and a portion of the proceeds will be donated under your name,
-make a direct donation by following the link below. For each donation, your name will be entered into a raffle to win a free Group Class Ten Pack! Raffle will be held after this campaign ends on March 18th. The more times you donate, the more chances you have to win. Every cent counts!