Phase Two
Group Equipment classes are coming back on schedule! Please be aware of our new policies at the studio during this time:
Maple Street Pilates is no longer using Mindbody for scheduling, so all registration and payment will go directly through our website. We ask that you please make sure all of your intake forms have been filled out and you have registered for an account before your first scheduled class. If you had a group class membership on file before the shutdown, you will be able to use the remainder of that package.
Please wait either outside or in your car until the instructor has indicated the studio is ready for you to come in
Your temperature will be taken before class begins
You must to wash/sanitize your hands before class starts and as often as you feel necessary
The waiting area will be closed during this time, so please be mindful of what you bring to the studio (purses, bags, etc.) as you will be asked to store your belongings next to your reformer
Masks will be required in the common areas and highly encouraged during your workout for the safety of other participants
Please come dressed and ready for class
Socks are highly encouraged during this time
Our instructors will continue to wear face masks and take all precautions as Phase One (taking temps, washing hands, using gloves, etc.) and we ask that you will as well.
We appreciate your understanding of these new policies. We are very excited to start getting back to (a new) normal and hope to see you in the studio very soon!
Laura, Alicia, and Lilah
Open for business...(soon)!
Hey, friends!
As the city starts to reopen for business, I just wanted to touch base and let you know my plans and strategy to safely continue your Pilates practice. There are going to be a number of changes, but I am sure that we will be able to navigate this together.
Starting this Monday, May 18, MSPS will be reopening in two stages. Stage One will be private instruction only and Stage Two will be to start group classes at a later date, once the city has determined it is safe to do so. Of course, we will be following all CDC guidelines and make any necessary adjustments as this situation evolves.
What the studio instructors will be doing: All instructors will be wearing personal protective equipment: masks and single use gloves that will be discarded after each appointment. Every piece of equipment (straps, ropes, springs, bars and all props used) and “common areas" (doorknobs, light switches, etc…) will be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water first and then sanitized before and after each session. There will be no hands on cueing or assisting as we will be respecting social distancing and there will only be one instructor/client in the studio at one time. Appointments will be scheduled with a longer “buffer” in between to make sure the studio is properly sanitized and ready for you.
What you will be required to do: Wear a mask during your session. This will be a bit of an adjustment and we will make any necessary changes to your routine until you feel more comfortable. You will also be required to have your temperature taken with a contactless thermometer and thoroughly wash your hands before each session. The waiting area will be closed, so you can wait in your car or outside until you receive a phone call or text from the instructor letting you know when the studio is ready for your appointment. If you are not feeling well, stay home! If you are living with someone who is not feeling well, stay home!
If you are not quite comfortable with coming back to the studio right now, I completely understand. I will continue to offer virtual private instruction and On Demand classes via MSPS Virtual Studio for the foreseeable future, so you can workout in the comfort of your own home.
If you had a package on file before the shutdown: it will be reinstated with extended expiration dates so you can continue to use that payment. The same will apply to my group class members as we enter Stage Two.
To sign up for private instruction: head directly to www.maplestreetpilates.com and sign up from there. The studio will no longer be using Mindbody for scheduling, rather we have integrated a much more user friendly experience that you can access from your computer or phone. If you had a package on file before the shutdown, you will be able to use the remainder for your sessions.
Group classes: the current guidelines state that we can only operate at 25% capacity, so that will not allow us to offer in-person group classes at this time. I will update via email and social media as to when that changes. In the meantime, I will continue to offer Live streaming and On Demand classes on MSPS Virtual Studio. Check those out at www.maplestreetpilates.com!
So that’s the plan for now. This is chaos, my friends, but I am so grateful for all of the support you have shown me and the studio during this time. I truly value you and miss all of your smiling faces! Please reach out to me with any thoughts, questions, or concerns you may have about the strategy outlined above. I would love to hear your feedback!